Let AI reduce your research workload
We use natural language generation combined with AI and machine learning to get undiscovered insights and make the findings understandable for everyone, in seconds.
Personalized approach & perfect match
Our cutting-edge algorithms are equipped to predict future M&A activities and provide you with suggestions for your next target based on your investment strategy.
Company signals
Be promptly notified of upcoming rounds or relevant company developments, aligning with your investment preferences, and enabling effective capital-raising initiatives.
Reports generated immediately
Generate comprehensive company or market reports in seconds, a task that traditionally would take days for seasoned analysts. Time is money, and we save you both.
Latest deals & news
On average, we track 100 deals and 2000 news daily. Recently closed rounds, whether announced or completed, are complemented by various news factors such as product launches, M&A, geographical expansion, IPOs, new partnerships, and more.