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Global private equity landscape

investment statistics report

Global Private Equity Landscape: Capital, Deals, & Leading Firms

An in-depth look at the global private equity market, focusing on the trends in capital raising and investment, as well as the changing patterns of deal activities. The report explores the industry’s fluctuations in funding, the notable growth of unallocated capital (dry powder), and provides a snapshot of leading private equity firms. This analysis is key for grasping the current state and potential future developments in the PE landscape.

Global Private Equity Landscape: Capital, Deals, & Leading Firms Report 2024  

Format: PDF | 16 pages | Region: Worldwide |
April 2024 | Delivery: Immediate

Key findings

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Value of private equity (PE) capital raised worldwide from 2019 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

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Leading PE firms

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