NEW RELEASE: Annual reports on private equity state 2024 & 2025 outlook | US&Canada | Asia | Europe
sourced, not web scraped
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We use special methods like unique calculations, computer programs, and AI technology, to provide you actionable insights.
We gather data from 21,000+ sources (financial institutions, research companies, news, own research).
We deliver a full stacked augmented analytics with deep insights that can only be found at DealPotential.
We apply our own KPIs and metrics to get our unique DealPotential scores, track historical performances, and benchmark the results.
We track historical performances and benchmark the results.
We use Natural Language Generation combined with AI and Machine learning to get undiscovered insights and make the findings understandable for everyone.
Our sources include financial institutions, research companies, expert interviews, as well as our own research department.
Our platform is updated and enriched daily with global data, such as news and closed rounds, whether announced or completed.
Our data undergoes thorough verification by experienced research professionals to ensure added security.
Inside our market and company reports, we provide you with a full audit trail of our trusted sources.
The only solution in the market offering company, investment, and market data, mapped in a single dashboard, instead of using multiple data sources.
We apply sophisticated predictive analytics, AI, ML, and NLG technology to forecast future market trends, business and investment opportunities.
our resources
Gain insights into various industries, key investment trends, and future projections in the private market—driven by DealPotential data.
Access granular data on 4+ million private companies, such as growth and market potential, competitive landscape, business model, funding history, risk factors, and much more.
Market trends and insights into various industries, dynamics, peers, cost- and revenue trends. Our reports contain not only historical data, but also predictive analytics and risk assessment.
Explore recent deals, global fund data, and statistics, gaining unparalleled insights into the portfolios and strategies of over 33,000 institutional investors.
We collect information from over 21,000 sources, including financial institutions, research companies, and conduct our own research, which gives us over 200,000 data points. However, too much information can be confusing. Our goal is to make complex data simpler and easier to understand, so you can use it to make important business decisions right away.
We use special methods like unique calculations, computer programs, and AI technology, including machine learning and natural language generation, to provide you with data that is easy to understand.
We utilize it by leveraging AI, but also natural language generation (NLG), and machine learning (ML), to provide comprehensive and easily understandable findings to drive informed decision-making.
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SE-803 20 Gävle, Sweden
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